If the rich and the poor work together, they can all become successful despite their difference in class, wealth and social wellbeing.
The Experiment
This photo depicts differences in the two parties as the poor fall into depression represented by Sigmund's lab which falls into the valley and the wealthy antisocial as Maria's lab is hidden away by the hills.
This photo indicates the division in class through the "meeting place" as even when collaborating, they are not on the same level, and further emphasized by a river cutting right between them.
Only after meeting can the two parties become successful is shown here by the textures as the textures of both labs are incomplete whilst the meeting place is where the texture is "completed".
Further Explanations
The Beginning
left) Maria Agnesi : Wealthy People are often antisocial
right) Sigmund Freud : The Poor are often depressed
The two individual entities
1st attempt in bringing them togethor
Parallel Projection
A quick Sketchup model
Attempt 2
individual blocks
processes i undertook
Then i brought them together
Where's where?
Textures I applied
top left) Lab 1
top right) Lab 2
bottom) The Meeting Place
Further Words
This model was inspired by Annie Peini Li's Model(http://anniepeiniliarch1101.blogspot.com/) as well as the real life architecture masterpiece Falling Water.
During this exercise i also watched many youtube videos in regards to Crysis Sandbox which i found extremely helpful